miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

When wildlife reaches up to his courtyard - what can be done?

Squirrels Antelope form, there is little critters in all shapes and sizes and for all the letters of the alphabet to deal with when it comes to protecting your garden. Therefore, you need is good advice to keep your yard and garden. It is perhaps for this reason - which I certainly would recommend a very good book for you. It is one that I personally possess, thus:

"Protecting your garden from Animal damage" by Gregory a. Giusti, edited by Marianne Lipanovich and designed by Gary Hespenheide, published by Ortho Books and Solaris group, (1994), 96 pages, ISBN: 0-89721-267-3.

This is an excellent book and includes the subtitle; "The best methods of prevention of animals from damaging your garden" - "instructions to make billboards work"-"detailed information on the animal habits a Habitat", "strategies and options to control each plague" - "complete guide to deal with the intrusions of animals in their backyard." And I can tell you this, each of these important issues dealt with in this book, with illustrations, designs, sketches and photographs.

So if you're worried about deer, rabbits, critters, raccoons, gophers, opossum, elk or wild birds, then definitely you need this book. He has helped me tremendously over the years. You see, you might think that innocent squirrels, rabbits and birds can not hurt your garden or plants, but can be. And you want them running around or fly around and not can blame you that - too much. But I can tell you that you have some options here.

The types of plants that you don't like and not playing and some of the things they like can plant and when to eat, all those who are doing is cutting these plants really saves time. A lot? Sure is, and is just one more reason to buy this book and keep it in your platform. You will see little critters can damage some types of plants by the roots to eat, and even can not account what is happening. It is important.

There are also vegetables that grow more, therefore, if it keeps animals larger with a fence, the smaller than also likes to eat, it can not reach them. Do you have a problem of skunk, well this book will help stop this problem once for all?. Seriously, no matter what they are dealing with this book as the best answers to solve these problems. Please consider all.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Exotic pets - would like to have one?

Exotic pets are unusual animals which are kept as pets, but that is considered to be exotic is in constant evolution. Some rodents, amphibians or reptiles are now quite common as pets, so it is really exotic.

These animals can be several species of reptiles and rodents even. However, an animal is better adapted to its natural environment. Many types of exotic pets needs their environment to survive. Diet and proper care is necessary to have a healthy life.

Exotic birds parrots can be kept as pets. An example is the cockatoo, who is a protected species. The hyacinth Macaw has such a strong beak that can bend the bars of his cage, but on the other hand, it is the largest species of parrot.

Indies guinea pigs, gerbils and hamsters are good pets. A flying squirrel does not really fly, only slides. Did you know that they have kept as pets since the Colonial era? Hedgehogs come in 16 different species with different types of spines on the back. In fact, two of these species are very useful as pets because they can act as efficient control of pests in your garden.

The Green Iguana is favoured as pets probably due to its bright color. American green tree frogs can be kept in a terrarium. Snakes are bred in captivity can be easily controlled by what an interesting exotic pet. Box turtles require special attention because they are strongly affected by changes in the environment.

The Scarlet hermit crab is a popular exotic pet, and this is probably due to its bright yellow body. Hairy tarantulas are sometimes kept as pets, although its bite can kill humans.

Squirrel monkeys are the largest of all species of monkey brain, they are caring and social so choose one as an exotic pet may be a good option.

The White Lion is reportedly the most expensive of exotic pets. It is not a different species, only a lion with a recessive gene. Raising a pet, although still a puppy is not very demanding, but once grow can reach 500 pounds.

When has decided that what he really wants is an exotic pet, you should take into account that there are different laws related to properties of exotic pets in each State. It is best to do some research before buying an exotic pet.

Some exotic pets can be very cheap, but costs you have to do to provide them with proper care can be very high. For example, an iguana, costs only $10 to $25, while $600 you need to bring with you and offer a point of heating to keep warm. You need a light strip of UVB rays, the fixture in the Aquarium, the Cabinet and some other elements.

Veterinary costs are significantly higher than conventional pets and some pets can lead to diseases affecting human beings. On the other hand, some human diseases are dangerous for animals.

There are many reasons that can prevent owning an exotic pet, but even if you really want that one is better find out anything and do some research before you buy your future pet-related.

Take care of a squirrel

When you and your family are considering the possibility of owning an exotic pet, there are many different options that could be done. Flying squirrels could be an option for anyone looking for an exotic pet for your family. There are many things that must take into account before deciding to buy a flying squirrel.

Flying squirrels is technically considered a wild animal, but have proven to be very gentle creatures that are excellent for the family. Flying squirrels are about 8-10 inches, which is like the tail of the squirrel. These creatures normally only weigh between 2-4 ounces, but have a lifespan of up to 12 years. These squirrels have become a popular pet in United States due to its nature loyal to their owners. Squirrels usually develop a deep bond with their owners. Also they enjoy spending long time sleeping alone in a pocket of the owner. These squirrels tend to develop a link like this when the squirrel has been the owner since was born.

A squirrel as those of food can be difficult if you are not completely aware of all the requirements of diet that could have the squirrel. When these squirrels in freedom, usually eat foods such as fruits, seeds, insects and nuts. Although it cannot provide exactly what you normally eat, you can provide an alternative to the food they typically eat. Many owners of Volans say pine nuts, sunflower seeds and walnuts are offered as part of the main course of his diet. It can also give them normally and as an occasional treatment wax worms. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be offered as part of their diet every day. Maize and sweet potatoes are said to popular vegetables for his squirrel eating. It should also take into account that squirrels can have a calcium deficiency, so it must provide a supplement to them in their diet. A calcium supplement should be added to their food on a daily basis, as well as add a block of calcium in their cages.

The next factor to be taken into account is the type of cage that will require your squirrel. Southern flying squirrels are smaller animals, so can be done with a smaller cage, but they would prefer slightly larger. Having a larger cage allows the squirrel have space to slide from one side to another is exercise for them.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

How to prepare the game meat

A local Hunter by the name of Karl Hoffman once said: "a good wild game food starts much before the chef throws a steak on the grill." "Skilled fighter can add to the quality of the food". In other words, if you are going to eat that Hunt, be very careful how to hunt it and preserve it.

The first step to be followed in the preparation of game meat is must acquire the appropriate equipment to kill and processed meat. You will also need two very sharp knives (one of them is to be used for field dressing while the other one will be used for the skin of animals), he saw a bone, as well as a bag; all they will ensure that the food will maintain its quality.

Another aspect that must take account of any Hunter is the behaviour of the animal. Hoffman stated that: "always sure is grass (the animal)." "When running antelope have so much adrenaline... that adrenalin gets in the flesh and makes stinky and hard". Also make the shot is important because it is imperative to make a perfect shot to ensure that the animal bleed less. Less bleeding will lead to less blood that seeps into the muscle as a direct result, the meat will taste better.

Fortunately, after a deadly done firing, the next priority will be dressed in field that as soon as possible, eliminating all the vital organs of the animal. The Division of wildlife of Colorado stated that: "the bacteria begin to grow immediately, especially if it has been punctured the stomach or the intestine, so it is important to keep the cold corpse." The corpse's role also is advisable on hot days to help cool the meat. Beware of do not touch glands on the lower rear legs, as meat may be tainted by the musk. "Cover the animal to keep away from flies and keep it away from other animals site".

Hunters say that the animal has to hang, cool, as well as concrete and meat will start bidding on their own. Add the beef is better way compared to just processing after the break.

A valuable tip shared by many hunters is that it should never cover the meat while it is cooking because air will keep the tender meat. Another tip would be cooking until it is kind of weird (no less, no more than medium rare). If you are an avid deer or elk hunter must know that the most interesting part is the liver, give it a try. Speaking of the meat of deer, it is one of the most common errors we should add all kinds of preservatives unwanted as vinegar, for example, to the meat to get the best taste. This common misconception leads many hunters to say that they don't like the taste of the meat of deer and not eating. The truth about cooking venison is very simple: do not add more of what you have to add a cut of beef, pork, or lamb. His tenderizers, Marinades and favorite condiments are everything you need to add the deer meat before cooking.

As you can see, the preparation of game meat must follow several instructions; otherwise, the meat will be ruined. After having prepared the meat for cooking, now is the time to let your imagination run free but not overact as more probable is that it will kill the delicious flavor of the game (deer, elk, squirrel - name). Have fun hunting and cooking!

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

How feathered dinosaurs learned to fly

Dinosaurs are closely related to birds which led to the belief that probably had feathers. Believe it or not, the fact that birds descended from dinosaurs 20 years ago would have seemed absurd. Birds are relatively small and nimble as opposed to the dinosaurs that were huge and often laborious in his movements. But recent evidence suggests that some dinosaurs had beaks, feathers and other characters avian that paleontologists and scientists led to revise their theories.

There are several ways of dinosaurs that could fly. They include Tropeognathus, Quetzalcoatlus, Pterodaustro, Pterodactylus, Pteranodon, Ornithodesmus, Ornithocheirus, Gnathosaurus, Dsungaripterus, Ctenochasma, Cearadactylus, Anhanguera, and many more.

Several theories are proposals to explain how the dinosaurs learned to fly. The first theory States that you gave a performance leap. As to its speed when chasing prey, these flying dinosaurs known as theropods discovered that his coat of feathers gave them rebound aerodynamics. Since these carnivores when you know that more offspring produce and therefore heavier, the trend would be towards large wings and feathers to provide a better lift.

The second theory says that dinosaurs fell trees. It is believed that some species of small size dinosaurs lived in trees. It would have followed the same evolutionary path such as flying squirrels, planning for longer distances as their feathers developed form. However, this theory is hard to believe.

Today, most paleontologists are firmly of the view that birds descended from dinosaurs and their flight developed from scratch, rather than the trees down.

Unique ways to get materials for the manufacture of fly

He knows how to get free link fly supplies? Probably the greatest complaint that comes by e-mail coming in from the level of principle flies is the cost of supplies and tools. Read the fly tying books, view video lessons and tells them what they need to buy to start tying their own flies.

Tying fly has been done for hundreds of years, you think the first person to create their own flies down to the local fly shop and everything bought it that it needed to tie the nymph, caddis or perfect wolly chick? The first fisherman had to rely on nature to provide many of the supplies needed to tie their flies. He did not go to buy a new vice rotary or flash box set of fly tying tools, made the tools you need and improvised with what they had on hand.

It has not changed anything in the world of linking fly can still do you so today. Do you have seen how basic over fly tying tools made? Many if not all of them can be produced with a little thinking outside the box for much less than the tools of expensive brand sold in most stores and magazines.

Now back to the original question. He knows how to get free link fly supplies? I assume that what their hunting season. If you're not an avid Hunter yourself go to the local bar and hook with someone. Most of hunters will be happy to give you squirrel tails, tails of deer and feathers of all kinds of game birds. Hmm, the best thing is how the first person got flies link started in the first place. There was a time in history where the athletes did not want to lose any part of kill for found it ways to use of fur, feathers, and antlers. Flies levels you want to free flying material linking must take this same approach and use what is already wasted in many cases.

OK so the hair, fur, feathers and other supplies are not an exact match to use said the fly tying the book, but dye a little cut and creative thinking that can make them work quite easily. So the next time the head out to the store to buy a pack of expensive fly tying supplies think twice, because there are plenty of alternatives free located around being wasted.

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Metal garden stakes - fill this space with Metal stakes garden

Metals betting garden are an art form to fill an empty spot in your garden.

One of the wonderful things about betting garden metals is that they are easy to move around the courtyard, to fill in when necessary. The art of garden "reserves" so to speak.

Are the tips of their annoying getting lopped by these sunflowers squirrels? No problem. Replace this sad Flor Rota with a colorful metal sunflower or two. It will display the annoying bugs.

Doyou want to make a statement? Add a large Butterfly metal red, yellow or blue. Or something a little different--what such a great jawed, carnivorous Venus Flytrap?

Perhaps the rustic aspect is more your style. A game of rusty metal will complement your garden green. A Sun and moon, a bear or a rabbit, or perhaps an Angel or fairy to protect your garden. The options are endless.

Many metal artists are creating one type metal copper, steel and recycled metal stakes. Wonderful works of art that can be called in right, at any time, anywhere. From squirrels to cheeky frogs, they are sure to bring a smile to your face.

As his early bloomers begins to fade and the final bloomers is beginning to show his face, can add colorful garden decoration to close the gap. Dance divas, copper frog and colorful flowers open throughout the year.

A betting metal garden pot are easy to move and may instant colour and character to any place in the garden. A small investment for years of enjoyment. Do you have your game garden metal?

Ann Wallis is a gardener for a long time and the lover of beautiful things to your garden. Throughout the year she pores through gardens magazines looking for Evergreen colorful plug holes in its garden and fun, whimsical art garden metal to add life and nature to your yard.

New study of birds breaks Darwinian tree of life

The tree of life is a concept Charles Darwin in his the origin of species (1859) to explain the relations of all forms of life. Since then, the concept has evolved significantly, but has not ruled out. Even a recent study of birds is known as the Assembly of the advance of research of the tree of life project.

The genome project of birds in five years, carried out by the field Museum, has taken DNA samples from all the groups main birds still live today. The study was published in science on June 27, 2008 version of LEGO in ScienceDaily.

The results of the study were surprising. According to ScienceDaily, "the scientific names of dozens of birds will have to change, and textbooks of biology and birding field guides will have to be revised". Contrary to what was supposed, hawks, for example, they are not related to hawks or Eagles. Sushma Reddy, fellow postdoctoral fellow in the Museum field and one of the three authors of the study, said, "looks can be deceiving." "Birds that look and act similar are not necessarily related... much of the classification of birds and the conventional wisdom in the evolutionary relationships of birds is a mistake."

The tree of life Darwin was largely based on the premise that species that both have to be closely linked. Some previous comments have already questioned this point of view, that as Carl Wieland for example has pointed out, the now-defunct Tasmanian Wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus) was a marsupial, but it seemed the Wolf is a placential and The Flying Phalanger (Petaurus) live in Australia and New Guinea is a marsupial that is seen as the flying squirrel. The Darwinian explanation for this phenomenon is convergent evolution, in other words, different species are believed to they have evolved independently the same traits. However, this does not seem to be based on facts, but the obvious purpose of this view is to preserve the theory of the evolution of the extinction.

The new study avian suggests that when it comes to birds, the tree of life is in danger of extinction. It has to be drastically re-dibujados just to keep it alive.

Joel Kontinen is a translator and novelist now living in Finland. Their training includes a master's degree in translation and a BA in Bible and Theology studies. It likes to keep updated on news from the science and often comments on creation/evolution issues and origins.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

How to prepare and manage a Zip cord Kit

Once only found in extravagant environments as a means to navigate and a chance for an atmospheric observation of environments, cable zip are now frequently used in schools and tourist centers. However, it is possible to buy and put on a flying squirrel in their field.

Purchase a zip line, with safety as its first thought. There are a variety of flying fox on hand to buy kits that contain all connections include establishing provide a careful installation. These almost always come with step-by-step instructions, but the call to a spouse for help if you are apprehensive about installing it. Although you can use zip wire over a long period is not suggested getting second hand except that is sure is safe.

Working with a kit of Zip line

You can find a Chair in his zip cable kit. Brace yourself for this deck. For those who use gloves and helmet, put the time. Cling firmly to the fencers tied to the cable. Put the feet off the ground. Arriving at the end of the line under their feet on the ground to stop.Alternatively, if there is an additional cable, you can stop until you return to the center of the zip line kit and download with caution.


Make sure to select a tree or post are full-bodied and round.

Once they have erected the zip line, move it along the string to verify that it works correctly.

Note that things may fall from his pocket. They have shoes that do not return and keep the braided hair.

If the user may not reach the Earth, ending the zip wire (or in the middle section depending on where you finish), then a friend must help them to Earth.

The zip wire will be faster that if there is no much limp in the cable, in this case it can be applied to have someone at the end in case of stop assistance must have.

Put an end to the control rods after each application to avoid that children who use cable zip without supervision.

prove that bar rope and hand not be have worn prior to each application.

Taking some guidance when piecing together a zip wire, you can create a fun and safe way for your family to spend time together. Flying foxes are a fantastic way to bring the family.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Suggestions to deter squirrels from the feeders of Birdie!

Bullwinkle used to say to the rocket j. squirrel, or better known as Rocky the flying squirrel, "Hey Rocky, see pull me a rabbit from my hat!" Rocky the squirrel with its flight of leather hats, was a bit amazing man, trying to defeat the villains, Boris and Natasha. That programme was very funny and truly a classic, but when it comes to bird feeders, squirrels are not always so easy to use. Indeed, invited to his car to party with means for their local birdies and wreak havoc at the feeders.

Here are some "friendly" ways to help preserve their bird feeders were destined for their birds! Don't get us wrong, ardillas are little cute kids and a very pleasant part of the wildlife, but like any wild animal, can go where won't them. We hope that these tips would be so useful for you, your local birdies and squirrels.

* Squirrels can jump several meters to arrive at a feeder so the first step is to make sure you put your feeders for all points "launch", including trees, houses, laundry lines and telephone wires and cable.

* If you hang your feeder of a tree branch, try and locate it at least twelve metres of trunk or extremities, and at least four feet above ground. This will prevent squirrels by either jumping from tree or above the Earth in the feeder.

Do if hang the feeder of a line, make sure that the line length is at least 8? Long with the feeder had been suspended at least four feet above the ground or snow. Use the cable for fisheries mono filament, a single-stranded copper synthetic fiber, such as nylon, used especially for line or piano wire to hang the feeder.

* Pole Mount feeder. If choose pole mount their food; Make sure that the pole is at least 5 1/2 feet in length. This allows placing the pole about a foot on the ground and still keep the bottom of the feeder of four feet off the ground.

* Squirrel deflectors. You can also add a squirrel baffle, a dome clear or colored, which is a good start to deter squirrels arrive at their feeders.

The purpose of a squirrel baffle is in the design. Squirrel baffle works because the surface inclined, slick gives the squirrel nothing cling to and often will slide right off. Deflectors either can be placed over their food or feeding on the mounting pole.

* Add spices to bird feeders. Takes into account the mere knowledge and understanding that squirrels and other mammals taste the warm feeling of chiles, while birds do not. With this knowledge and the parties more capsaicin hot chili peppers, companies have developed a highly effective way to control and keep annoying squirrels and other small rodents feeding of birds. This solution is nothing detrimental to the squirrel, is therefore natural and environmentally friendly.

* Squirrel feeders. Yes, "Rocky" own stock with food from squirrels Feed Squirrel. Your local squirrels will enjoy a squirrel feeder of their own that will keep them fed and happy House and will also be Assistant in helping them to keep only the bird feeders. It is a very effective and cheap investment for it and your local birdies to obtain squirrel feeder plan.

Anderson cartoonist late pioneer of contemporary genre of satellite TV

Today, are not only animated one of the most popular forms of entertainment television among children, but adults also. When flipping through the many TV channels by satellite in the fingers, there are many channels entirely dedicated to the art of cartoon entertainment. Even the most reputable and long networks devote entire blocks of time, say on Saturday morning, to cartoons for children. Now, with many new programs in prime time through the medium of cartoons as "family guy,' 'The Simpsons', 'futurama', 'South Park' hit and is perfectly acceptable for children of all ages (meaning adults too!)" to enjoy cartoons. There is a greater freedom to work in cartoons that love creators of these programs. Literally anything is possible and any crazy scheme can be achieved while they can be drawn (or animation) without spending thousands of dollars in wild special effects. Where, however, this idea of putting cartoons on television came?

First of all, found mainly cartoons on movie screens. However, in the 1950s, houses began enjoying cartoon broadcasting right in the comfort of their homes. Among the first broadcast by NBC and directly produced for television was "Crusader rabbit." Now, even if this particular bunny is not a household name, paved the way for characters to large "bugs bunny". The recent passage of the cartoonist Alexander Anderson, Jr. is a reminder that some of the biggest shows on television today got his start with pioneering cartoonists.

While the credit for other creations of Anderson as Rocky and Bullwinkle, the famous comedy duo of a moose and squirrel fiction freeze Falls, Minnesota, was not correctly assigned to him until a lawsuit in 1993 against former teammate Jay Ward, today the registry has established straight. The world knows that Anderson was there from the beginning, with characters such as dopey Bullwinkle, lovely Rocky and the always-befuddled Dudley Do-Right of the mounted police. This brand of production of cartoons with a point that it was just intrigued to audiences of all ages was what missing television. DVD and recordings of many programs of Rocky and Bullwinkle continue still today prized by many fans and new satellite TV watchers.

Where Anderson was to claim credit for his screen creations when the series "Rocky and Friends" was first that it was released to networks? At the time, he said to his wife, has made a career in advertising. His long list of life and work experience also includes a tour of the Navy, and work for his uncle produce another early cartoon "mighty mouse". When asked why a moose and squirrel, Anderson was known to say that all animals none so begged to be caricatured as a moose and squirrel who, unlike mice, can really "fly." Demonstrating that high definition or information technology is required to produce a fun series and timeless it is no easy feat, and the world as such has to thank Anderson for his contributions pioneering this exciting genre.

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Pets for small houses

Dogs and cats are the most popular in United States pet. However, for those who live in small houses or condominiums or that travels much smaller pets can be a better option. Some condos are forbidden to dogs and cats in the property, as well as restrictions. Small pets can offer companionship and affection while generally require less space and exercise of larger animals. Understand the needs and tempers of pets is essential in order to find the right animal friend to share their home.


For those who prefer a quiet pet, relaxed, chinchillas are clean and odourless. Native to the Andes in South America, chinchillas can be shy and reserved, but hot with gentle treatment and careful handling. Chinchillas have very smooth skin and tend to sleep during the day, so often awake at night and wanting to spend time with his owner. These small rodents shall communicate by Barking and chirping and greet one another with small sounds happy after his return home. Chinchillas have wooden toys chew and they exercise wheel, but still require a speaking time to explore and to satisfy his curious nature. Given that normally live chinchillas about fifteen years ago, will be a long-term part of his life; Make sure you can make a commitment of that duration before adding a chinchilla to his family.

Sugar gliders

For those interested in a more social pet sugar gliders enjoy contact with their owners and require constant attention and companionship; for this reason, sugar gliders are normally purchased in pairs. Solitary gliders require at least one to two hours of human contact every day to be able to thrive; as pairs, often to another company, but it will not be so social and affectionate with people in this case. These intelligent and loving marsupials have a varied diet that includes insects, as well as fruits and vegetables. Sugar gliders are not squirrels but have many traits in common with them; in their natural habitat, glide at approximately the same way as squirrels. Sugar gliders are often permanent deep links with their owners and are recognized by the smell. These playful marsupials living about 15 years.


For those who want an active mascot, playful, ferrets are intelligent, curious and require a large amount of exercise to stay healthy. Often they invent games, stealing a particular element and store it in a favorite hiding place and repeat the process when it. Ferrets combine the instincts of a packrat with the playful nature of a dog and often enjoy games of chase and hide-and-seek with their owners. Ferrets can be trained to use a litter box, but may require several paintings to 'remember' to be used in a consistent manner. Ferrets must always be spayed or neutralized and of-scented to remain docile and pleasant company. While the ferrets occasionally nip the same kittens in a way, they can be trained to be gentle with strong and consistent discipline. Ferrets are carnivores and should be fed only specially formulated ferret food to maintain optimum health; Chew toys are also welcome, from Huron compulsively chew, especially in young people. Ferrets generally live between seven and ten years.

For those who want a small pet or not can have a larger pet for various reasons, any of these animals can provide warmth, affection and companionship. Purchase a pet is a serious commitment in time and money and should not be lightly. If you are ready to accept the responsibility of pet ownership, these animals can offer unconditional love and a lifetime of happy interactions.

Malaria with mosquito, the sixth of the African big five


I looked down at my hand and found a very thin, voracious female Anopheles mosquito preparing to bore her stiletto mouth-parts into my vein. I did what one usually does with biting insects.

In the 30 years we have lived on the mountain we have not been troubled by forsake. Our neighbour was head of the Malaria Institute in Tzaneen and assured us we were too high and too cool to sustain them.

Whether it is global warming or more contact with neighbouring states still at risk they are now up here. Another surprise is that August is very early in the year to be plagued. We will need to be more aware of the risks.

Mal-ARIA, bad air, is what it was called back then when the accepted cause of malarial attacks was thought to be the miasma rising from swampy ground. To an extent they were right, equating the deadly fever with the presence of still water. Need water to lay their eggs and the females as mosquitoes bite is virtually painless, it was reasonable to blame the disease on standing water.

Humans have been succumbing to malaria since earliest times, the enlarged spleens of some Egyptian mummies are surviving traces of its presence. Hippocrates described the 'autumnal fever' in Greece. The association of malaria with the Pontine Marshes in Rome was well established.

Alexander the Great is thought to have died on the banks of the Euphrates from malaria in 323 BC.

Malaria may have stopped the armies of both Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan

Even the dinosaurs may have suffered from malaria. If this is true, the disease has had ample time to exploit the immune system. Mice, birds, porcupines, lemurs, monkeys, bats, snakes and flying squirrels have malaria. The mosquito and its parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, are ancient creatures.

People knew that the fever was associated with stagnant bodies of water and many swamps were drained But no specific treatment for the disease was available in Europe until the 1630's when it was discovered that the bark of the cinchona tree was a specific cure for malaria. In the mid-19th century the Dutch cultivated the cinchona tree on the island of Java for its active ingredient, quinine.

In 1939 to larvicide was used against the larvae in Brazil. Spreading oil on breeding sites was also introduced around this time. Pyrethrum was found to be effective against adult mosquitoes in the 1940's and Swiss chemist discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT. It is sprayed indoors and its effects last for months

In 1955 the WHO inaugurated its Global Malaria Eradication Campaign based on spraying insecticide in malarious areas. This resulting in the elimination of malaria from Europe, Australia and other areas. It also reduced the number of cases in India. . Unfortunately by 1969 some of the Anopheles mosquitoes had developed resistance to DDT. In 1972 the use of DDT was banned, but the WHO, in 2006, stated that there was no risk of pollution by DDT if it was properly used, and spraying programmes were re-introduced.

In 1999, with the establishment of South Africa's World Heritage site, Sinangaliso Wetland Park on the Natal coast, Lake St. Lucia is malaria free now.

In 2007 the US Agency for International Deo gave $20 M for spraying, and the William H. Gates Foundation has established projects for treating malaria and is working on a vaccine.

As an aside, Johns Hopkins University in America genetically engineered mosquitoes that were resistant to infection by the malaria parasite. But it may be a while before it applies to humans as mosquitoes have been tested only against a version of the malaria bug that sickens mice.

Chloroquine was first synthesized in Germany in 1934 and was used during WWII to immunize the armies fighting the Japanese in the Far East. Again the mosquito showed its colours and drug-resistant strains of Plasmodium appeared in the 1960's.

Researchers throughout the world have been attempting to produce vaccine, but until this is found, the best anti-malarial care is the bednet treated with insecticide. When in known malarial areas it is advised that you avoid going outside between sunset and sunrise. Wear long sleeves, and thick trousers and socks. Insect repellant should be applied to exposed skin. Windows should be screened. Spray the room with insecticide before sunset, and burn mosquito coils or vaporizing mats.

According to National Geographic, we live on a planet, even although the rich nations either malarious ignore it or consider that the problem has been solved. In fact, it affects more people than before and is endemic to 106 nations, half the world's population.

The parasite, Plasmodium falciparum is now so entrenched and resistant to so many drugs that the potent strains can hardly be controlled. Several unprosperous regions have reached the brink of total collapse malarial, virtually ruled by swarms of buzzing, flying syringes. Zambia is one of these nations where development is almost impossible because of the sluggishness and ill health of most of the population.

World wide 500 million people are infected each year and about 2.7 million die. This is 2 deaths every minute, mostly in Africa. But malaria can be cured if the disease is diagnosed timeously, a situation not always possible in the underdeveloped world If you show any symptoms 10 to 28 days after returning home from a visit to a malaria area, see your doctor and have sufficient blood tests taken until its presence is proved, or not.

The risk of malaria is high in South America, Africa, south-east and Far East Asia. But this should be taken only as to guide as the risk can change and it is advised that expert advice be obtained before traveling to a malarial potentially destination.

You are advised to take preventative drugs a week before entering the malarial area, continue during the trip and for four weeks after returning home.

If you live in a known malaria area, it is up to you to take preventive measures. Get rid of any standing water, whether in fish ponds, bird baths, fountains, blocked gutters and empty cans or drums. A larger stretch of water can be sprayed with oil.

Some common, silly myths about Travel Health from malaria.

or Garlic, vitamin B and ultrasound devices WILL NOT protect you against malaria.
or Eating Marmite or other savoury yeast extract spread WILL NOT prevent malaria.
or Staying in four or five star hotels WILL NOT stop you getting bitten or contracting malaria. Mosquitoes don't discriminate.
or Drinking gin and tonic WILL NOT stop you getting bitten or contracting malaria.

There are many more myths, but before believing anything your 'friends' tell you, consult an expert. Your life is at risk.

When the mosquito bites, its saliva enters the bloodstream and this can contain immature forms of the parasite, known as sporozoites. These migrate via the bloodstream to the liver where they are now known as schizonts. These multiply at an alarming rate, burst out of the liver and reenter the bloodstream, destroying the red blood cells in the process. After about 48 hours they are called merozoites.

The first symptoms will appear between 10 and 28 days of infection. The patient will then show signs of chills, fever, headache, muscle ache, nausea, vomiting, undulant and abdominal cramps. The parasites continue to multiply and unless the disease is treated, death is likely.

Diagnosis of malaria symptoms may be confused with other diseases. The only way to be sure is a blood test. Chloroquine and related drugs can highlight symptoms and prevent an attack altogether. However, some strains of the parasite became resistant to the drugs with the result that there is again an increase in malaria cases.

Tips to help you find suitable for the bird - feeders part 1

Many people think is the best way to relax and achieve a sense of calm and relaxing experience through nature. Migratory birds visit from a patio to another. As homeowners, therefore, if you want to watch and listen to them to enjoy, you will have to provide that the birds will be all the necessary bird feed materials. When looking for the right to feeder birds, which put lots of seeds of wild birds, it has many options to choose from.

There are several types of feeders of today. Conventional tube feeders, Suet bird food and power cables of squirrel, to decorative bird feeders more elaborate, you have many options to choose. Food and feeders right they always return.

The most used and popular bird feeder is the variety of tube. They are especially designed to effectively contain seed mixtures or mixtures of seeds or seeds of sunflower even or chips. The most popular type of feeder is available in different sizes, ranging from only six inches to more than three metres long. There are also some feeders skinny, as well as more widely.

A type of bird feeder, which is very common among homeowners is the feeder hopper, which is in fact ideal for birds, you can accommodate and feed many species of birds. These are durable, affordable and they are made purely of hardwood, but there are some facts of cedarwood with sides of transparent plastics.

In addition, a suet feeder is considered a bird feeder squirrel proof. Two common examples of suet feeders are the feeders of registration, with holes drilled in their edges and cables feeding the sandwich, consisting of two pieces of wood together, secured with tallow placed between.

These feeders are ideal for discomfort of animals such as squirrels, raccoons, away from the food. There is also another type of feeder today called "Cling to Duncraft wing," which was designed primarily to feed small birds perched as climbers, chickadees, and more.

If you are looking for the right team today for the birds that come to their place of power, basically have hundreds of options to choose from. As homeowners, it is a joy to visit the birds. In addition, bird feeders must be always kept clean. A feeder and large number of wild bird food, getting these flights visitors will become an everyday experience.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Selection of bird feeders try squirrel

Squirrel proof bird feeders allow their birds coexist happily with squirrels, stopping the squirrels stealing bird feeders bird seed.

Before investing in feeder squirrel proof try some techniques to encourage the Chipmunks to leave only their feeders. Place feeders for birds in areas well away from trees to stop the animals jumping on to the feeders and ensure that your food is at least 5 feet off the ground (although the squirrels did jump up to 8 meters above the ground!). If these tips do not discourage squirrels, there are two options, either acquire data attached to your existing bird feeders squirrel proof or purchase a particular design squirrel proof bird feeder. Normally it will be more successful if you buy a squirrel proof feeder rather than trying to retro fit a device to their existing bird feeders.

Now there is a wide variety of bird feeders proof squirrel effective and of good quality available on the market and they come in a variety of styles and forms. There is a trial version of squirrel for almost all types of bird feeder.

Some of the simple designs have a domed shaped device at the top of the food. It is used in the feeders for birds that are designed to hang from the trees and asserts that the squirrels are not able to grip in the feeding of birds and simply slide off before reaching the food. They tend to be quite large and can delay some birds use their food. Clear plexiglass deflectors are more effective as birds as yet able to see the food in the feeder when flying overhead.

Metal cages are increasingly popular lately, and can be retro for some birds feed as well. They essentially consist of a tubular feeder that has an additional cage around it. This allows the birds to use their beaks to reach the seed, but they are not large enough for the squirrels to bite through the openings between the wires.

The most advanced, expensive and entertaining options are devices powered or weighted. Weighted devices or closed the hole of food or rollover to the hanger when something heavier than a bird perches on them. Most feeders are used by small birds, however if you have large birds with your bird feeders check their weight causes no feeder close or overturning. Some of the motorized devices begin to turn around when a squirrel trying to use them, this does not harm the creatures but soon left to go back and try again!

Another option is to buy a purpose built feeder squirrel House andl and encourage its squirrels use it rather than his left power cords for the birds! Of course this can drive more squirrels use their garden but many lovers of birds are this is an effective option and allows both species to coexist peacefully together.

When choosing squirrel proof bird feeders find new guaranteed materials squirrel damage and build quality, material durable.

Driver satisfaction and use of the gauge HUAL

They say confession is good for the soul, and it is probably more applicable to the aviation than any other effort. Pilots tend to not share their mistakes and oversights, the human weaknesses that each one of them does but kept secret. But these mistakes can serve a useful purpose. On the one hand, it is important to younger drivers hear veterans we have even been there done when it comes to of embarrassing ourselves in our race for flight. On the other hand, transparency in human factors always helps designers refine their products, as well.

My career was blessed with very few mistakes. I flew for 35 years without a scratch. More specifically, it does not mean scratches or dings on the plane. Does not mean that it was not bright red with embarrassment once or twice, had cagado, and the God of the aviation had looked out for me, while he was sustained in a serious ding to my ego. In summary, there was nothing wrong with the meter HUAL, head up and blocked. He just ignored. Here that an example of what can happen when inexperience, complacency and monitoring meet in the cabin, and it seems a close call.

The helicopter I flew was a French machine called an AStar. Its real name was AS350, mentioned in circles of the industry as an Ecureil, the French word for squirrel. They call it right; in some flight regimes, the machine was frankly, well, squirrelly. There is another word for this.

In general, the AStar is a fine, but has some design flaws. As each aircraft, at least the designed and built by man, which is most of them, the AStar defects and traps were cleared and refined over time, after the entry of the field. Such a design trap almost cost me at least the shame of a hard landing, if not something worse. In any case, the bottom line, that had occurred the incident was one, it would have been really a collaboration between the French engineers and yours. It focuses on original AStar white plastic oil depot.

To save weight and cost, always considerations in the design of the aircraft, especially helicopters, the AStar originally came to the service with an opaque white plastic oil depot, something akin to a jar of whole milk. This jar of oil had a view of the indicators on their side that, in each AStar I never flew, was conveniently hidden half way behind the dam. He took an open hood, a flashlight and a small ladder to see bandwidth, as well as several seconds from beginning to end. My usual method of checking the oil level was look the real level of oil in the tank, what dark line was visible through the plastic.

That was what I did one spring morning when, in a contract for hospital, I was sent for a flight of emergency shortly after the submission of reports to the service. Audible barked, they checked the fate, he ran up to the helipad and met the flight nurse. Walking by the helicopter, I did my usual checks of the large pieces, most of the smaller parties and all fluid levels - I thought - then leapt from the cabin. They produce the motor, flipped on the radio, and soon he was willing to commit the aviation. I thought.

Nominal take-off, climbout simple and soon are redistributed to 2,500 feet. Then, with no warning, five miles from the launch pad, par needle made a little whifferdill, bobbing once, twice, then bouncing from zero to high and back again in a funny imitation of a metronome. This was not a good thing. (VI) the meter with some interest, and of course dancing continued even needle the whole width, never settling in any particular value. The nurse, I reported that we were heading home, and then standard 180-degree turn back to heliport to sort things.

I landed, turn off the engine and went through my mental list of what could be the problem. It could have been the gauge are known to fail. Perhaps was the connection loose? Helicopters rattle and hum a little, making attachments to undo. Does perhaps the oil...?

I thought that the design of the system of couple: in AStar, indicator of pair is called a wet indicator, since it depends on the pressure of the fluid to work. Mentally traced the route of this line of oil and the indicator to the engine, he arrived in the reservoir itself. Subsequent revelation increased my store of experience and we hope that some other AStar pilots also.

Lift the fairing, caught my step stool, a flashlight and a key to check the actual level of oil in the tank. To my amazement and disgust, the tank was almost empty. A puddle of oil, enough to cover the bottom of the tank, was there present. I looked again. The "level of oil ' would like to see on the checks was nothing more than a stain of oil inside the plastic tank, embedded there after several fill ups, always at the same height." The plastic had absorbed enough oil to highlight what is expected for the entire world as a tank with plenty of fluids.

I shook my head, cringing at the possibilities. Modern gas turbine engine is cooled by two things: air compressor and oil. Reduce either of those two, and a turbine rapidly overheating. At one point heat will make the engine to fail. I had no idea of how close would be to get to an engine failure that day, but had to they have been a few minutes at most. It is a thing of gas; implementation of oil can cause similar adventures.

The conclusion was that there was nothing wrong with the meter another, equally important in the cabin - HUAL, or head above and blocked the indicators. It was working well; I simply decided to ignore it, assuming that the oil level was very well, as it had previously been and took off. Since that day, I made sure I was looking at the real oil rather than a stain and residue of a tank where oil used to be.

He presented a report with the manufacturer about the possibility of similar incidents. If my documentation or not does not say and more doubt, but later model AStars arrived for duty with metal oil tanks, and a view not stainable indicators forced drivers physically check the level. I certainly did after that. And I paid more attention to HUAL indicator as well.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

The time the judgment of God - is not time

In the COG's, as with all Christian Fundamentalism, whenever there are major hurricanes, volcanoes, a day of tornadoes, earthquakes, storms, hail, drought, fire and frogs upon the land....it is God trying (does God have to try?) to tell us all something. We don't think that the God that can verbalize.... "I blasted you with blight and mildew [from too much rain]. When your gardens increased, your vineyards, your fig trees, and your olive trees, the locust devoured them; yet you have not returned to Me,' says the Lord" (Amos 4:9) could also say:

"Hello, I am God, I'm here in person because it's really important we have a talk. I want you to be happier than this so let's have a chat and I'd be happy to answer any and all questions you might have about why and how and when anytime. Now if you are a fundamentalist I will ask you let others who don't know all the answers be allowed to ask their questions first..."

But alas, God only threatens humans, and always does it through the minds, voices in the heads of, and observations of mortal humans who think they know. All that a Bible literalist can say is that God "could" do it that way, but he chooses not to. I say that something that important deserves clear and concise communication with humans and to definitely not leave us with so much doubt and confusion.

The same God who "spanked" nations and empires in centuries past is still very much in charge. He says, "For I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6) And as we will see, God is punishing us through various natural disasters. Even as our personal and national sins are increasing, so are floods, tornadoes, severe snowstorms and earthquakes. Thus, many of today's so-called "acts of God" are, in fact, just that-the active intervention of Almighty God. And it is just beginning. Natural calamities are going to get much worse unless we as a nation repent and turn to the true God in heartfelt obedience. Roderick Meredith-Who Controls the Weather

On the other hand...

Because hurricanes form over warm ocean water, it is easy to assume that the recent rise in their number and ferocity is because of global warming.

But that is not the case, scientists say. Instead, the severity of hurricane seasons changes with cycles of temperatures of several decades in the Atlantic Ocean. The recent onslaught "is very much natural," said William M. Gray, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University who issues forecasts for the hurricane season.

Weather, especially as observed by the superstitious and uneducated, either by choice or circumstances has always been the tool of the angry God of history who is "trying" to get mankind's attention before He simply has to destroy him once and for all. So much for the idea that after man's creation, "behold it was very good." The Deity needs to make up his mind about us or rethink His original design. It's not our fault! Perhaps we are the one proof of Unintelligent Design....

All through human history, the weather has puzzled humans. Lightning was the result of some activity of the gods. Zeus threw it around at his enemies and his voice was the thunder. Baal was the rain god to whom allegiance must be pledged or there would be drought. ...it is this superstitious use of natural cycles and phenomenon of weather that is still being used to beat and drive people fear- ridden into the arms of waiting churches and pastors who will motivate their loyalty with the same tirades of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who we know were mistaken not a few times

Listen very carefully. Weather is weather. One more time - Weather is weather. It's normal and natural. It is NOT a Deity doing its BEST to get in touch. That idea is simply leftover from a time when men did not understand the forces that governed their world and assigned them meaning that worked at that time, but is NOT the way to motivate sincere humans who have enough on their plate learning to coexist with what is.

Hurricanes always happen where they are prone to happen based on natural cycles and conditions generated by the planet. The SE United States has a coastal profile that shows how many millions of years this erosion has been going on - quite naturally and I dare say before humans ever spent a night in the SE United States. Back then, I suppose Cat. 5 Hurricanes were not tools the gods had thought of using to get the wildlife to come to their senses.

The SE United States has a coastal profile that shows how many millions of years this erosion has been going on - quite naturally and I dare say before humans ever spent a night in the SE United States. Back then, I suppose Cat. 5 Hurricanes were not tools the gods had thought of using to get the wildlife to come to their senses.

Volcanoes are very natural and are not tools of the gods. They just are the natural result of plate tectonics as are earthquakes. Unfortunately, when humans live on their slopes, or where plates shift, or where tornadoes form, or droughts are wont to occur, we have to find a reason other than the simple fact that we are living in harms way that for the most part does not visit us. I feel deeply for the suffering that all must be going through in New Orleans after this recent hurricane Katrina. But we also have to know that EVERYONE knew that if this ever happened... then this would happen!

When a city or house sits on the sand or in a bowl 20 feet below sea level, next to the sea, someday it will find itself in deep trouble as the normal forces on this planet play out their dance.

The citizens of Herculaneum at the foot of Vesuvius learned this the hard way as well. Today one can see the casts left of where humans died, in detail, covered by the ash that so quickly ended their lives. It's nice to live on the coast with beautiful beaches. It's nice to live at the foot of cone shaped mountains with incredibly fertile soil. It's nice to live in the Midwest United States and grow corn. It's nice to live in Southern California....ok, it used to be nice, or Hawaii, or in the Ring of Fire. But when the earth, which has it's own maintenance system does what it does, there is a chance humans might somewhere find themselves in harms way. It is just that simple. Reaching out to explain natural phenomenon, humans have always imagined the motives of the gods for bringing such things upon them and taking natural processes way too personally. We do this because humans have consciousness they have to work with. Consciousness makes us ask "why us?" Animals don't tend to wonder about such things at their level of consciousness.

We know this and I suspect you know this too, but our superstitious natures combined with believing the Bible speakers must be really really speaking for a real God who does such things, gets in the way of our common sense and vastly improved understanding of such things. We still can't let the facts of what humans know in 2005 AD override the sacred texts of thousands of years gone by. In our heads we know that science has shown us a better way to view things, but in our hearts we just can't let go of the Act of God attitude.

Volcanoes were the homes of the gods for most of human history. Volcanoes are impressive. And we are so very small in relation to them. Earthquakes were the shaking of the earth by the gods. Hail was the throwing of rocks at mankind by the gods. Droughts, quite normal on the planet in their cycles, come and go, but in most of human thinking were the gods way of getting even or pounding humanity into obedient submission. I suspect the priesthood has something to do with the interpretation of events even then.

The assigning of a wrong theological meaning to a natural event for the way the planet works, is a serious mistake in our fundamentalist society. It misleads and frightens people into behaviors that are not helpful and beliefs that are not true.

I'm reminded of some of the biting humor of Sam Kineston who noted that people in the Sudan, starving and standing in nothing but blowing sand did not need food and water...they needed luggage....they needed to mooooooooooooove! as he would yell.

I would also be more impressed with the "Ten Plagues" of the Exodus story were they not common phenomenon to the region. If you have ever been to the Middle East, plagues of flies, frogs, lice, cattle diseases and such are part of normal daily life at times. Water to blood, not so much, but that's another story. And of course killing firstborn was a way of life in one sacrificial form or another in that day and time. Nothing really all that special.

Now if one is to be really impressive let them be:

1. The plague of Polar Bears

2. The plague of Eastern Diamondback Rattle Snakes

3. The plague of angry Kangaroos and Dingoes

4. The plague of LA Smog

5. The plague of biting Chimps

6. The plague of South American Capybara

7. The plague of South Carolina Humidity

8. The plague of being forced to listen to a sermon in LCG, PCG, RCG, okay even WCG, but I suspect that sermon would be very nicey nicey!

9. The plague of a Buffalo, NY Blizzard

10. The plague of ..... ummmm, well you make one up...

Making religious plagues out of common local phenomenon is not very plaguey. It's just more dramatic every day stuff and the things the locals are aware of in their small world.

Through the pages of the Bible we are told that God will bless those who obey Him, with rain in due season and abundant harvests and peace in the land (Lev. 26:3-6, Deut. 28:12). In fact, we're told that because of obedience to God, our blessings will actually "overtake" us (Deut. 28:1-2). Conversely, we are told that if we disobey God, he will negatively affect the weather; withholding rain (Zech. 14:16-17) and even His "tender mercies" - which can include his protection (Ps. 40:11). God promises to punish the world and the wicked for their evil -- even shaking the heavens (Isa. 13:13). From the writings of King David, we understand that God will chasten or correct those that He loves. David requested that God "remove" His plague (or punishment) from him (Ps. 39:10). Ibid

Yes, this is true, the Bible does say these things. But they are not really true just because the bible says so and this is where the fighting starts in the minds of most. We simply have a terrible time getting past the idea that ideas about why things are as they are, or have occurred as they have occurred as seen through the eyes of people from past ages, uneducated in how things really work on the planet and long dead, are wrong.

We forget that the same book calls a bat a bird (Lev. 11:13-19, and yes, I know the apologetics) and tells us the sun functions from "it's rising in the East until it's setting in the West," is simply wrong. (Ever notice how all "unclean" animals are middle eastern animals or simply those known to the locals? They left a lot of things off the list I might not choose to eat on other parts of the planet, had they known there were other people and parts of the planet.)

Of course these things appear to be so, but the authors had no clue that a bat was a mammal and not a bird and I guess he never looked. I suspect had they ever seen one, a flying squirrel, or snakes that glide from tree to tree, might also have made the bird list. And, of course, they had no clue the earth rotated, or the planet was not the center of the solar system. This little scientific correction would cost some their lives.

So here we have the "God loves us so much he has to spank us when we go astray" mind virus. It is a mantra we simply say when we aren't thinking. A repeat of a meme that has been pumped into our being when bad things happen to people.

So from the Bible we learn weather is ....

A. Not natural but attention getters from the Deity.

B. Inflicted upon mankind because God loves us so much yet can't take the time to personally chat with us without all the drama. God has few counseling tools at his disposal so simply throws tantrums to get our attention.

C. You ain't seen nothing yet, so stay tuned to our literature and presiding evangelist.

D. Proof positive that, once again, Jesus is almost ready to return in YOUR lifetime.

E. Don't try to explain it and don't ask questions about "why does the Deity treat us this way" because He's in world of think all his own and you are never going to get a straight answer in your lifetime. This is simply a human conclusion when, as conscious human beings, we tend to need to find reasons beyond "you were just in the wrong place when natural phenomenon occurred." It is not, in fact, the truth of how life works. It's difficult to say..."I guess I should not have built my house upon the sand."

F. But don't worry. It's all part of a big plan and it's all going to work out just fine and we'll all live happily ever after once we get with the program, which I just happen to have for you, come join our happy throng and bring a 10% down payment - to bless our work.

You'll learn that it's mostly God, but sometimes Satan who controls the weather though the little stuff is just weather. Oh no, how do we tell the difference? I also have wondered if a Cat. 3 storm is from God to teach us a lesson, or does He only speak through Cat 4 and 5? Or if a volcano erupts in a remote area, is that just for fun, or is it considered a near miss? How many have to die in a natural cycle drought before it's not just a drought but a warning. When it rains again and life goes on as before, is it because the Deity gave up on trying to change their evil ways and said "oh heck, let it rain, I've go to go bash some Europeans into obedience because I love them."?

Ok, what's the point? I fully understand those who adopt the idea that "God said it, I believe it, that does it for me." That is how we have been so deeply programmed. We shudder to even think that anything in the Bible might simply not be accurate or true or relevant. We can't wrap our minds around the idea that Ezekiel or the prophets were just humans, perhaps fairly normal, perhaps traumatized by the collapse of their temple worship cult, perhaps a bit daft or clinically unbalanced or not really inspired by some Deity of the day. It feels blasphemous to even consider the idea that prophecy is not really prophecy and or that what might be has no relevance to us today. I fully understand the reaction to taking a different view and challenging the mind virus that is such a part of our theological mindset. I simply believe that humans, who struggle to give meaning to every event in life on this planet, often assign it the wrong meaning and do as much harm to the human spirit and mind as natural phenomenon can do to us when we get in the way.

I also have grown to take exception with those who fill their coffers, pad their nests and boast their own egos with fear tactics that they have long since stopped realizing they are doing. It becomes such a habit to motivate the faithful with the "signs of the times" that one gets locked into doing it every time bad things happen to basically good people. Within HOURS of a natural disaster, meaning from the gods is assigned to the event and the conclusions are sent out post haste to motivate the faithful. After all, timing is everything in religious motivation techniques.

So... Who Controls the Weather? I guess it depends on what one needs to believe to better bring order to their world. That has always been the case in all of human history. No rain=God is mad at us. Rain=God is happy with us. Sunshine and cool breezes=God is happy with us. Cat 4 or better hurricane=Uh oh, God is mad at us and this is a spanking, you ain't seen nothing yet, Jesus is coming soon, write for our free booklets, join our church, now your are protected and see it all works out nicely.

There is a Buddhist proverb that seems to sum up nicely what one tends to learn in the course of a normal life.

When I was young, mountains were just mountains, rivers were just rivers and trees were just trees.

But then I was told that mountains are not JUST mountains, and rivers are not JUST rivers, and trees are not JUST trees.

But now that I am older,

I know, that mountains are just mountains, rivers are just rivers and trees are just trees...

And I know it bites at our core sometimes with all the background we have had in Bible prophecy, the tribulation, vials, plagues, trumpets and the scenarios of the Second Coming, but in fact, and whether or not we understand it...weather is just weather. We live on a planet with natural meteorological and geological process that sometimes put our puny selves in harms way.

May we all find a way to extend comfort and help to those who need it and are in pain and afraid for their own futures. And may those so inclined to assign meaningless meanings to motivate the faithful, please stop and think for a change. Whether you understand or whether you do not - understand Weather.

Dennis Diehl is a former pastor of 26 years who has outgrown the box of conventional religion and fundamentalist theology. Dennis' goal is to get Christians and people to think about the ideas that they have been brought up with to their harm and to reexamine them in the light of common sense and sound judgment.

Ideas have consequences and most of the worlds difficulties are due to wrong ideas for which we are dearly paying. Dennis owns a therapeutic massage practice in Greenville, South Carolina.