domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

How feathered dinosaurs learned to fly

Dinosaurs are closely related to birds which led to the belief that probably had feathers. Believe it or not, the fact that birds descended from dinosaurs 20 years ago would have seemed absurd. Birds are relatively small and nimble as opposed to the dinosaurs that were huge and often laborious in his movements. But recent evidence suggests that some dinosaurs had beaks, feathers and other characters avian that paleontologists and scientists led to revise their theories.

There are several ways of dinosaurs that could fly. They include Tropeognathus, Quetzalcoatlus, Pterodaustro, Pterodactylus, Pteranodon, Ornithodesmus, Ornithocheirus, Gnathosaurus, Dsungaripterus, Ctenochasma, Cearadactylus, Anhanguera, and many more.

Several theories are proposals to explain how the dinosaurs learned to fly. The first theory States that you gave a performance leap. As to its speed when chasing prey, these flying dinosaurs known as theropods discovered that his coat of feathers gave them rebound aerodynamics. Since these carnivores when you know that more offspring produce and therefore heavier, the trend would be towards large wings and feathers to provide a better lift.

The second theory says that dinosaurs fell trees. It is believed that some species of small size dinosaurs lived in trees. It would have followed the same evolutionary path such as flying squirrels, planning for longer distances as their feathers developed form. However, this theory is hard to believe.

Today, most paleontologists are firmly of the view that birds descended from dinosaurs and their flight developed from scratch, rather than the trees down.

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