viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Buy a tray feeder: pendants, Earth, fly through or Post Mount

Tray feeders are the most versatile feeders; You can feed more birds more kinds of food at the same time. Tray feeders also allow you a great view of birds feeding. A tray feeder should be the centerpiece of your backyard feeders. I would recommend a feeder tray of high quality as the first purchase, if you are just starting to feed the birds. With cables of tray feeding food is vista that will quickly attract birds, including migrants, to a new feeding station.

Tray feeders are an investment, the price of a good built may seem high, but good construction and solid materials are worth the money because the feeder will last for years. I had one of the mines for more than 14 years. To buy wood, make sure one is made of solid wood, glue and screws. If you prefer a plastic, which are easy to clean, make sure that it is made of strong solid material. I like the recycled plastic, which can be purchased.

Suspension tray feeder:

If you are going to have only a feeder tray pendant one would be best. Can be hung from a pole or a tree limb and are easy to move if you want to put them in another area of your yard. Don't forget a dome or some kind of squirrel guard.

Mount feeder's post:

If you have an area where you can place a permanent tray feeder used a post with a squirrel baffle mounting. Post mounts are more stable, to attract the larger birds, and you can use a larger feeder. A type that I like has a tray and a combined suet cake feeder.

Fly through the feed:

This type of power supply is usually mounted post due to its size. Advantages of progress through are the roof keeps the dry seeds in wet weather and birds feel more protected. You will see some birds will not to power open. There are types even resistant to the squirrel of the power cables.

Floor tray feeders:

These are feeders with short legs. Use of ground feeding birds (pigeon, quail, grouse, natives of sparrows, towhees, juncos, ducks) and by offering specific foods, sand or salt. I have one with a cracked corn which placed behind some bushes as far away from my other feeds as possible. This is to distract the Chipmunks, think and Blackbirds.

One of the good things about the tray feeders is that you can offer a wide variety of foods. A mixture of high-quality black oil sunflower, safflower, white millet, parts of peanut butter and birdseed is a good place to start for the hanging or publish feeds of Mount. Also try dried cherries, grapes, raisins, chopped suet or tallow trafficking. Maintain control over what the birds in your area as the best and stop feeding what you don't like or what attracts the birds will not feed.

Tray feeders are the best way to attract large number of birds and many different birds. They are also the best way to offer a wider variety of foods. You will like the easy to use. It is time that bought a tray feeder.

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