sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

What is Tularemia and how get?

Also known as fever of rabbits and deer fly fever, the disease in the northern hemisphere more often occurs during the months of summer and Midwinter and correspond respectively with vectors and the hunting season.

The majority of the cases in the United States is located in the South and South-Central States.

The disease tularemia is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. This bacterium is found in nature in rabbits, rodents, beavers, squirrels and several domestic and farm animals.

Commonly people contracted the virus from the bite of infected ticks (wood, dog), and deer flies.

Hunters at risk of infection after the implementation of aspects, dressing and eating infected animals.

Drinking contaminated water has been implicated in the infection of tularemia. People also do I contract through the inhalation of dust and there carcasses and rodent droppings.

There have been cases where people got infected from a domestic cat. Believed that cats get contaminated prey organism and his mouth and claws become infected.

Certain occupations also associated animals are associated with the disease; farmers, veterinarians, shepherds of sheep shearers.

The disease in people depends on how it is acquired. After infection, incubation may be a couple of days or weeks, with nonspecific symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, sore throat and diarrhea.

The way in which the organism enters the body often dictates the disease and systemic involvement. Tularemia infection can be divided into six syndromes:

or Ulceroglandular - this the most common form of tularemia characterized by ulcers at the site of the tick bite.

or Glandular - no lesions on the skin in this infection. Enlarged lymph nodes are present and may require surgical drainage.

or some - is an infection of the conjunctiva splashes or aerosols.

or pulmonary - the injury is located in the throat due to ingestion of contaminated water or food.

or Typhoidal - this infection is also due to the ingestion of contaminated food and water. This is the only form of tularemia where diarrhea is a prominent feature.

or Pneumonic - with a high mortality in this syndrome, this type is most often seen in animals associated occupations.

Diagnosis of tularemia is based on the detection of antibodies. The culture is possible with appropriate security measures and specialized media. Laboratory acquired infections occur.

Tularemia is treatable with antibiotics (streptomycin and gentamicin).

There is no no transmission from person to person of this bacterium. F. tularensis is cause for concern, as a possible agent of bioterrorism and surpassed.

You can prevent tularemia to avoid insect bites using repellent and long sleeves. Also it should be cooked wild animals carefully before eating.

There is a vaccine for tularemia that is widely used in Russia, but in the United States is limited to certain high risk occupations.

After infection, and the recovery of the tularemia a long-lasting immunity is normally achieved and reinfection is rare.

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