jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Making a bird with correction of squirrel feeder

Regularly feed the birds in my backyard, and I know that in my garden pests are the squirrels. Squirrels enjoy eating bird food and scare away the birds. If you have a feeder, after correction of squirrels is necessary if you want that their birds to keep coming to your garden.

With a bird feeder, correction of squirrels is done by enclosing all feeder in a cage of wire with small openings such as chicken wire. The openings to birds, but not the squirrels. This can make the horrible aspect feeder and reduce your enjoyment.

Rather than alter the feeder birds, squirrels of correction can achieve the same results, moving the feeder. Move somewhere that is uneven or where squirrels cannot easily jump to the feeder, the squirrels in another part will go to look for food.

You can also change feed birds that will leave the squirrels attack. Firstly, the squirrels have an irresistible temptation to gnaw through wooden and plastic, so it is better to choose a feeder birds is constructed of wire. Search also for bird feeding that is designed to enjoy tremendous squirrels. This did not stop them when initially try, but will send a strong enough message to return.

So you can enjoy your garden and the birds, be sure to scare the squirrels annoying every time visit to ensure that birds are not tempted to fly someone elses new garden.

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