sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Pet squirrels

The squirrels are classified as small rodents. Red and flying squirrels weigh between 12 and 28 ounces total between 4 and 8 ounces where grey squirrels are much larger. Their life expectancy is to connect some 10 years in captivity, but in the wild is much shorter due to the high probability of a predator.

Most of the squirrels are wild and therefore not available for pets. However, southern flying squirrels are sometimes available for pets. It is important to ensure that you have the time to commit to the care of a squirrel. A squirrel can be a great pet, but requires much attention. Males and females vary little in their patterns of behavior, so there is a specific preference.

It is better to acquire a squirrel bred in captivity is young and it has been separated from the mother to the right in the time of weaning. Obtaining a squirrel as a baby, you will have time to adapt to tame. If you have two squirrels, it is better to stay in separate cages. They are solitary animals and prefers its own space. If you choose to use the same cage, make sure that they have their own space to nest.

To choose your squirrel, be sure to be healthy. Verify the existence of clear, bright eyes, a clear nose, a layer of glossy fat clean, and that is a healthy weight. Make sure that the squirrel has no ticks or fleas. Flying squirrels are shy at first, so they are shy when you first meet them. It is not surprising.

In nature, the squirrels all have the same diet. Diets vary by seasons as available food. Generally feed mainly nuts, fruit, buds, grain, chicks and eggs. Pine seeds are especially love for Red squirrels. In the winter, fungi and tree bark are common sources of food. Squirrels tend to gather food to store for the winter, as well.

In captivity, squirrels need to eat a variety of foods to receive adequate nutrition. Mixtures of vegetables such as green beans, carrots and lettuce and fruits as bananas and apples are good food. Protein, normally try and insects. Parrot food are also recommended as a good variety of seeds. Calcium supplements are highly recommended. There are several types of powders and tablets. Squirrels teeth grow constantly, so it need much material chewing. Hard Bard and large bones are ideal. Keep your squirrel constantly provided with water in a heavy meal or a bottle of water.

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